Course Description

Course Name

Introduction to the American Political System

Session: VRMS3125

Hours & Credits

3 Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


This course provides students with an understanding of the operation of the American political system. The primary focus will be on the structure and operations of federal governmental institutions (congress, the presidency and executive branch, and the judiciary) and their respective roles in formulating, implementing and adjudicating public policy. The course also examines the context of American politics, including the historical setting, the constitution, American political theory, the place of political parties, and public opinion and participation. The course will compare and evaluate major issues and debates in American politics (both domestic and foreign) – e.g. health care; the economy; the media; terrorism – showing the diverse perspectives, contending approaches and positions of minority groups and actors in the American political system (e.g. gender, ethnic, religious).

*Course content subject to change