Course Description

Course Name

Londonopolis - Exploring the Global City

Session: VLNS3425

Hours & Credits

20 UK Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Tutor(s): Dr Michal Garapich
Assessment: web/fieldtrip diary/blog (2000 words) [40%], essay (2000 words) [60%]
*Please note that there will be a supplemental charge for this module to cover the costs of the field trips and excursions. The cost will be in the region of £80 to £150, payable upon arrival. This module is available to students on the Study Abroad Programme at no additional charge. Students on the International Exchange or Erasmus Programme are welcome to register for this module for a standard 20 credit module fee of £1920.

This module will combine contemporary theories and debates on the condition of urban life in a global city with hands-on ethnographic, street-level perspective on urban social form experienced by students. The idea is to continuously relate theories from the fields of urban anthropology, sociology and urban studies with dynamic reality 'out-there' directly confronted by students and generate discussions among students on the interplay between culture and structure, economy and society, urban landscape and human behaviour. The methodological assumption behind the module is strictly anthropological - that students need to be 'immersed' in various aspects of London life, see things with their own eyes, analyse and critically evaluate their own assumptions against the backdrop of chaos and order of urban life in London.
London is undoubtedly one of the global cities that offer a unique experience of social diversity. For many international students life in London is part of their education trajectory per se and this module aims at deepening this commonly held assumption through a study exploring various aspects and trends in contemporary global city. The proposed structure of the module will be divided between lectures/seminars/ethnographic debriefing sessions and field trips in 1:1 ratio (one trip, one session). The taught sessions will be divided into a taught theoretical background of the session and an 'ethnographic debriefing' session where notes, pictures, impressions from the field trip will be discussed and analysed.

*Course content subject to change