Course Description

Course Name

Health Psychology

Session: VCPS3125

Hours & Credits

30 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

Students must have passed either PSY2009F, PSY2005S, PSY2010S, PSY2011F or PSY2008F.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


This course introduces students to psychological theories, principles, models and methods applicable to various health care and community settings. Topics will range from health behaviour change and adherence factors to mind-body interventions, coping with stress and psychoneuroimmunology. The course is broadly concerned with the interface of psychological health and physical well-being. Both international and South African contexts are addressed.

DP requirements: Completion of all coursework.

Assessment: Coursework (essays and tests) counts 50%. This mark consists of one debate (5%), 2 essays (30%) and 6 short online MCQ?s (15%) ? 15% of this mark is group work. One two-hour examination in June counts 50% towards the final mark.

*Course content subject to change